I purchased on the App Store the game Toy Bot Diaries from local company (Vancouver!) IUGO, after reading the review posted on touchArcade. I can only agree with the author, it's a very sweet deal (nice gaming, low price). Best of all, the game take advantage of the controls native to the platform, and it work out pretty well, except if you are trying to play while lying down ... In this setup, I found the control to not work too well. No big deal really, I shouldn't be playing right before sleeping anyway ... ;-)
Meanwhile, I have been continuing my Cocoa musing without Interface Builder, and banging my head on the (one will think) simple issue of filling the application menu. Hopefully for ma sanity, I came accross Jeff Johnson's blog which have a serie of great posts (and a sample XCode project), on how to create a Nibless application. Turns out it's not as simple as it should be. It's also more akin to hacking the framework than using it ... anyhow it does work.
Meanwhile, I have been continuing my Cocoa musing without Interface Builder, and banging my head on the (one will think) simple issue of filling the application menu. Hopefully for ma sanity, I came accross Jeff Johnson's blog which have a serie of great posts (and a sample XCode project), on how to create a Nibless application. Turns out it's not as simple as it should be. It's also more akin to hacking the framework than using it ... anyhow it does work.
Before I sign-out, I will like to point to a video from the lastest iPhoneDevCamp, which feature Neil Young's (no, not the singer) keynote on the iPhone as a gaming platform.