Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We're in! ... well almost.

After 17 days in review, our first iPhone app was accepted yesterday afternoon. It took that long because the first version we submitted on May 2nd was rejected (after 7 days) for HIG violation. Apple wasn't happy with us using a Disclosure Button to lead to a simple UIAlertView, when this type of button should invoke the display of a new view.

To be honest, we though this may be an issue. However, this was the button that made the most sense in the context (we're diclosing extra information) and sliding a new view was just wasteful since we only had 2 lines of info to disclose. Anyhow, their suggestion was to use a custom icon instead, and that's what we did. At first, we considered using the built-in Information button (e.g UIButtonTypeInfoDark), but then we though that since that is associated (incorrectly when you think about it ...) with Settings, we were going to get barred entrance to Apple's walled (lush) garden. So instead, Susan quickly created our own version of an Information button, similar to Apple's one, and yet different enough to avoid confusion (ahem ...) :

Soooo ... where can you get this new revolutionary app? Why in the App Store, of course! ... NOT! Unfortunatly, our Sales Contract is still in process (+3 weeks and counting ...) so the Application is now pending contract ... When will it be? Who knows ... :-(

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Better late than never ...

If you happens to be following me on Twitter (and reading this blog? No way!) you probably already know that we have finally submitted our first iPhone application this past Saturday. Yup, that's right, the very same application I have been talking about since November! iTunes App Store here we come! ...

Contraction Tracker is, more or less, a basic contraction timer, designed to be used in the days/hours leading to the delivery of a baby. Nothing game changing here, sadly. But it's a start, and it was written mainly for our own use. Back in November, there was only an handful of similar applications on the store (2 to be precise). None were quite what we wanted, so making our own was most definitely a good idea (especially since it allowed us to get acquainted with the platform). Unfortunately, once the baby arrived, the time I could spare to work on the app dropped from 2-3 hours daily to a mere 30 minutes per days, on lucky days. That is the main reason why it took us soooo long to go from almost finished app (late November) to released app (early May). Sadly, today there is much more similar app available (10 including ours), so the competition is going to be fierce ... that's what you get for being slow to deliver! :-|

Now, of course, the submission euphoria is gone, and have been replaced by anxiety: How long will the review process take? Will we get (paid) customers? Have we left any embarrassing bugs behind? ... and of course the ultimate question faced by thousands of developers on a daily basis: Will we be rejected by Apple?

In case you are wondering, allo the application's icons were made for us by Alex Ventpap (alexventpap on Twitter) which we definitely recommend for iPhone artwork, among other things.