Thursday, December 31, 2009

Keep on blogging ...

In my quest for a better blogging output, I've come across Tumblr, which to me is somewhat of a cross between Blogger and Twitter. And, this is something which I believe is more akin to get me to blog more often especially since Tumblr's got a (free) iPhone app (one of many goodies) which allow to post things (including multimedia stuff) more easily.

Anyway, so I'm sort of moving this blog over to Tumblr, sorry about the inconvenient this may cause :P You can follow me from now on there.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This is Cocoaaaaaaa!!

Once again, sorry for the extra long delay between posts ... I know how hard it must be for the five of you :P ... The usual excuse apply: Twitter, lack of time & Tiger Woods all came together to create a worm whole in which I vanished for a while ...

Anyway I finally started, two nights ago, the implementation of that game for iPhone I was talking about a while go ... Except it's not the same game! A couple of weeks ago, I completed the grunt of the work on the game engine (including the audio stuff!) and I was seized by an uncontrollable spur of creativity focused on different concept than the one I had been toying around with. Now, thanks to my paranoia, I'm not going to share much on the game itself for a little while, at least not until it is well advanced. All I can said, is that it'll be retro (graphics, sounds and concept) and hopefully fun (or so I hope). What I can talk about, however, is some of the design/implementation decisions. So stay tuned :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

On ur iPhone! Stealin' ur CPU cyclez!

Last night, I finally managed to build and run my engineering test app for my game engine on my iPhone. Since OS 3.0 have come out, what use to be a tricky and error prone process (I'm talking about provisioning and code signing) have been improved vastly (BTW, thanks Apple!). If you have been in the iPhone development business for more than 6 months, you know what I'm talking about.

In fact, since it had been a while since I had to create an app-id or a provision profile, I was pleased to see that Apple had added an assistant to complete such basic (and yet daunting) tasks! And what do you know, it did more or less work as expected! I said more or less 'cause I got a little confused when creating the app-id, and instead of ending with the id been com.cocoageek.test, I just ended up with the id test. Here, I'd like to blame the assistant for this, simply because it fail to giving some example of what each fields expect. Make you think that it will be nice to be able to delete app-id ...

Anyway, the test app is running well. The frame rate (with collision between objects happening) seems smooth (I haven't measured it) so far. I'm a bit disappointed, however, by the anti-aliasing which doesn't seems to be as nice on the device as it is on my laptop (within the emulator). I guess I'll have to dig this a bit more.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I can haz physicz?

Since these days I am mainly a full-time dad when I get home from the day job, I was somewhat surprised when I completed the integration of Chipmunk physics to my game engine over the long weekend (Labor day FTW!). Needless to said, it is pretty exciting when things are starting to come together after weeks of intense preparations :-)

Like I was saying in my previous post, there's various API to chose from when looking to add real world (2D) physics to your game. I picked Chipmunk mainly because it's in C and relatively simple. My main grip with it, is the lack of a complete, and correct, documentation. I found myself having to dive in its source code to understand or clarify some things, and while it's great to be able to do so, I shouldn't have to. A 3rd party API should be well documented, including comments in the header files! Here's a (lame) example: once you have created a body (cpBody) the API provide a set of functions which allow you to physically manipulate it, such as applying a force on it. The thing is, the wording of the purpose on the function cpBodyApplyForce is a little ambiguous: "Apply (accumulate) the force f on body at a relative offset r from the center of gravity. Both r and f are in world coordinates." ... Is the force applied for a single simulation step or permanently? It turns out that it will be applied at each steps, until all forces on the body are reset (using cpBodyResetForces) ... Maybe it's just me? The mention to "accumulate" should have been enough? Also, the r and f cited are most definitely NOT in world coordinate, but in offset from the body's center of gravity ...

Anyhow, overall Chipmunk physics is a big win, I could have grabbed Physics for Game Developers at my local book store, but this is saving me time and headache so: Yeah! :-)

Now that two majors items on my engine's to-do list are done with (the first been the rendering), I'm moving on to handling user inputs, which by it-self isn't that hard, but I'd like to be able to detect the basic gestures that we, as iPhone users, are used to: flicking and pinching. I'm not sure if I need them for the first game I have planned, but ... since I'm doing a game framework, mind as well try to be as complete as possible! At least, I'll need to provision for gestures handling even if I leave the detection for a later version of the framework ... That's one of the malediction of being a framework kind of guy, most of your time is spend on the framework rather than the end result ...

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Hello dear readers (yes, the two of you)! Well I'm still around and kicking as you may have seen if you follow me on Twitter. I'd like to said that I have been über busy with making cool iPhone apps, but it will not be exactly accurate. I'm working on a couple of apps, that is true, but the reason that I haven't posted since June as more to do with the lack of interesting things to said (can't always blame Twitter ...). I'll try to improve this over the coming weeks (year right ...) even though idiotic rambling on this blog have never stopped me before ;-)

So, let's talk a bit about one of the project I'm working on: an iPhone game. Yep that's right, a video game. Now, this is my first game (I'll skip the lame ones I wrote in BASIC back in the days or the ones for my pocket calculators) so this is a brand new experience for me and so far I'm loving it :-)

Since I suffer from the NIH syndrome, I'm building my own game framework to support the development of this game (and others to follow hopefully!), when I could have just use one of the existing framework, such as the widely popular Cocos2D. My needs are pretty simple really as I'm making a 2D retrogaming style game (using OpenGL). I could have save myself the trouble, but since I thrive for challenges and enjoy learning stuff, I though it'll be more fun that way. And it is! :P

Yeah now, I'm not totally insane, so I have integrated Chipmunk physics into the engine, instead of spending the next months banging my heads on complex math&physic problems. Here again, there is a lot of physics frameworks to choose from, like Box2D, but I wanted something simple and in C (so that it'll be easier to integrate with my Objective-C based engine).

Anyway, things are looking good at this point although I'm mostly working on the game engine, while the game concept is maturing in my head (with some great inputs from experienced game developer @madgarden). Unlike many other iPhone developers, like Owen Goss, I'm a little hesitant to reveal too much about the game itself, at least until it is well advanced. It's not that I'm working on a revolutionary game (far from it, really!), but the competition is fierce on the App Store! Since I have no idea how long it is going to take me to complete it, I rather not be beaten to the store if you see what I mean (even though there's already similar game in the store) ;-)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's Twitter's fault!

Alright, alright ... it's not totally Twitter's fault, but yeah my blogging has definitely taken a serious hit since I joined the twitterverse, and since nothing really exciting have happened, there was nothing much to report.

Anyhow, so our first iPhone app have been on the store for over 2 weeks now, and as expected, it is not exactly flying off the shelves, but we still made 55 sales in the first 2 weeks. Which is not too bad :-) I'll definitely won't be quitting the day job any times soon, but it's a nice feeling to know that around the world there is people using our app, and that they are happy about it (hopefully).

So, what's NeXT? Well, it's not set in stone yet, but we have two apps idea which need more preparatory work. I'm also pretty excited about finally getting and iPhone (3GS FTW!) this coming Friday (if I can get one ...). I'm not overly happy about enslaving myself to Rogers, but the choice is limited here in Canada ...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We're in! ... well almost.

After 17 days in review, our first iPhone app was accepted yesterday afternoon. It took that long because the first version we submitted on May 2nd was rejected (after 7 days) for HIG violation. Apple wasn't happy with us using a Disclosure Button to lead to a simple UIAlertView, when this type of button should invoke the display of a new view.

To be honest, we though this may be an issue. However, this was the button that made the most sense in the context (we're diclosing extra information) and sliding a new view was just wasteful since we only had 2 lines of info to disclose. Anyhow, their suggestion was to use a custom icon instead, and that's what we did. At first, we considered using the built-in Information button (e.g UIButtonTypeInfoDark), but then we though that since that is associated (incorrectly when you think about it ...) with Settings, we were going to get barred entrance to Apple's walled (lush) garden. So instead, Susan quickly created our own version of an Information button, similar to Apple's one, and yet different enough to avoid confusion (ahem ...) :

Soooo ... where can you get this new revolutionary app? Why in the App Store, of course! ... NOT! Unfortunatly, our Sales Contract is still in process (+3 weeks and counting ...) so the Application is now pending contract ... When will it be? Who knows ... :-(

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Better late than never ...

If you happens to be following me on Twitter (and reading this blog? No way!) you probably already know that we have finally submitted our first iPhone application this past Saturday. Yup, that's right, the very same application I have been talking about since November! iTunes App Store here we come! ...

Contraction Tracker is, more or less, a basic contraction timer, designed to be used in the days/hours leading to the delivery of a baby. Nothing game changing here, sadly. But it's a start, and it was written mainly for our own use. Back in November, there was only an handful of similar applications on the store (2 to be precise). None were quite what we wanted, so making our own was most definitely a good idea (especially since it allowed us to get acquainted with the platform). Unfortunately, once the baby arrived, the time I could spare to work on the app dropped from 2-3 hours daily to a mere 30 minutes per days, on lucky days. That is the main reason why it took us soooo long to go from almost finished app (late November) to released app (early May). Sadly, today there is much more similar app available (10 including ours), so the competition is going to be fierce ... that's what you get for being slow to deliver! :-|

Now, of course, the submission euphoria is gone, and have been replaced by anxiety: How long will the review process take? Will we get (paid) customers? Have we left any embarrassing bugs behind? ... and of course the ultimate question faced by thousands of developers on a daily basis: Will we be rejected by Apple?

In case you are wondering, allo the application's icons were made for us by Alex Ventpap (alexventpap on Twitter) which we definitely recommend for iPhone artwork, among other things.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Release Candidate!

Yay! Finally! [Redacted] is officially in its "Release Candidate" form. Man, this has been a long road ... I'm planning to do a Postmortem post here once it is on the App Store. The plan is to submit it this coming week-end, for review. If everything check out and that Apple respect it's advertised delays, the app should be for sale within 7 days. Since it's a relatively simple application, which does not walk on the borderline of the SDK agreement, I'm hoping the acceptance will be swift ... but then again who knows what's going on within the wall of the App Store review office(s).

Tomorrow is the Vancouver iPhone Developers meetup downtown. I'm looking forward to it. I'm a bit nervous though. I haven't been to any developer oriented event for years! The last one I attended was a BeOS meeting in Paris back in 2000 (or was it 2001?) ...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Clueless predictions

Unsurprisingly, all my predictions from yesterday turned out to be just a wishes list. Turns out, I had in mind 3.0 to be matching the Pre offering ... but it just wasn't the case. Either Apple can't, or more likely they just don't care, meaning they don't see Palm as the mobile version of the anti-Christ. As eloquently put in this article, Apple's fixation on avoiding background processes, is causing us, the users, some usabilities PITA.

Anyway, I still think we will see some application switching support in OS 3.0 .... but only on the new version of the iPhone, rumored for this summer. As often, Steve Jobs will casually announce it with some smug comments about some power (but clueless) users wanting it very bad, so here it is but we don't like it much ... (e.g MacBook Pro 17" with mate display option).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mandatory predictions

With now less than two hours to go before the iPhone OS 3.0 event, I think it is time for me to join the geek creed and make a couple of (clueless) predictions. Still I don't have John Gruber's writing style, nor insight, I'll keep these shorts and to the point.

So what to expect? Well since there is now a real challenger to the iPhone (that'll be the Palm Pre), Apple has to play catch-up and show that 3.0 will have all the goodies (and more, hopefully) than the Pre. Sounds pretty obvious isn' it? Well yeah it is. CNNMoney has a little write-up of the details of what to expect, here.

So then, what is/are my prediction(s)? Well here they are:

  • The multitasking (don't really like to use that term, 'cause technically the iPhone OS is already multitasking) will not be available unless you are using the new iPhone to come out in June (or it will be available on older HW, but with a limitation of said 2 users launched applications and you will have to enable it via some hidden setting). The reason for this isn't much about hardware limitation, but giving you reason to upgrade to the new iPhone, which will come with a faster CPU/GPU (just stating the obvious here) and 256Mb of RAM (instead of 128Mb currently).
  • Background application will be supported, but wont be based on UIApplication (let's call it UITask) and will have limitations on what they can do.
  • The OS will allow applications to exchange data (by using files in a common area and/or IPC
  • The new SDK will support building app with web technologies (a la Mojo)
Wishes list or predictions? Only 90 minutes to go before we found out!

Friday, March 6, 2009


@All I finally succumbed to the Twitter temptation and created an account for myself (please follow me! ... please, pretty please?). Originaly, my motivation for doing so, was to follow some of the blog authors I read and some of the Cocoa/iPhone world celebrities (e.g Wil Shipley), but then I caught the tweeting bug and I have been tweeting (mostly non-sense and everyday stuff) furiously.

So what can you expect from following me? Pretty much the same kind of stuff that I blog about here: Cocoa, iPhone, Space, (weird) Music, books etc ... but in a more condenced form (for obvious reasons).

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Time fly

Well, March has arrived, and I'm back at (my day) work (since yesterday). Our iPhone app is not yet finished (hard to believe I know ... and yet here we are), so the month have gone without any submission to the app store, contrary to what we were hoping for. Maybe in a couple of weeks? Two things have colluded to cause this schedule slip: feature creep and usability concerns. Concerns is maybe a bit too strong of a word, really. Let said that the UI wasn't as good as it could be.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Late CodeSigning

Just for fun, I decided last night after 9:30PM to install the latest WIP of our iPhone app on my wife's 2G iPod touch. In order to that, I first tried to modify the provisioning profile so to include the new device in it, but that didn't work too well. Even after having removed completely (or so I though) the said profile from her device and mine (and from the IDE's organizer) and created a new one (following the how-to instructions from the SDK developer portal), I could still not recompile the application. The error reported (in red, mind you) by Xcode being:

CodeSign error: a valid provisioning profile is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'Device - iPhone OS 2.2'

By then, since it was well after 10pm, way past the baby bed time (and ours ...) , I had to close shop for the night. Problem is that closing the lid of the laptop doesn't mean one's mind isn't going to keep thinking about the problem ... well into the wee hours of the night. Hopefully, when I woke-up this morning (I'm gonna need a nap this afternoon!), I had an idea: Maybe, somewhere inside the project files, references to the old profile were still present? This turned out to be a correct theory (!), for when I grep-ed the project.pbxproj file for PROVISIONING_PROFILE, I found some references to the old profile. A simple copy&paste (BTW I use Smultron for such text editing tasks) of the profile identifier fixed the issue and shortly after, Susan's iPod was running our app :-)

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Since I'm now half-way trough my parental leave, it is time to review a bit what I have been up to, which is mostly coding and parenting ... but mainly the latter. Nevertheless, our iPhone app is getting closer and closer to be ready. I swapped successfully the old data management stuff for the soup thing I was talking about in my previous post, and so far it's working pretty well. I also, followed the advice of Tweetie's author (Loren Brichter) and replaced the five UITextView objects I was using in my UITableView cell by a single UIView (drawing by hand the content). The speed-up is great, there is no longer that impression of lag when flicking up or down, it is amazingly cunning :-)

There is two videos (youtube) I'd like to share with you today. The first one is from a concert of Terje Isungset, who use ice to make (somewhat weird, but oh so lovely!) music (courtesy of The Signal's blog):

The second video shows a simulated depiction of the Phobos -Grunt Russian mission. Pretty cool (and bold) mission I must said. Let's hope it'll get to fly:

Anyway, gotta go change diaper now. So long for now.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Parental Leave

Yesterday was the first day of my month long parental leave. While the main purpose of it is to gives me and the baby time for some more quality bounding, the hidden agenda is to try to finish-up that iPhone application which we had been working on a while ago ... Parental duties and paid job, have so far colluded into putting that project on the back (waaaay back) burner. Or so it looks like. Non-obstante the fact that indeed, my (precious) geeking time had been slashed ten-fold by the arrival of the Baby, I also wasted the few minutes I could saves here and there, on trying to come up with a better way to save my application data. Since we were in a rush to get the app usable by the time we needed it, I had hacked my model so that the data (in a form of 3 arrays plus some metadata) were been stored using a NSKeyedArchiver, and fetched from it when the application was launched. That naive solution had two major issues: it was keeping in memory data that were not used, and it was putting the newly entered data at risk, since a crash of the application will (and did ...) prevent its data to be written to the disk.

To store permanent data on the device, there is 3 common possibilities: flat binary file, NSKeyedArchiver and SQLLite3. To store a limited amount of data, I personally found SQL (even Lite!) to be overkill and not that practical when dealing with objects (yes, I do know about Jeff Lamarche's project and the iPhoneLite3 project), thus I have been working on my own object persistence framework, which won't be as efficient as using SQLLite for backend (well I'm not that good!) , but will serve its purpose for this app and the others to come (hopefully!). Since I'm an ex-Newton user and developer, I couldn't help but inspire myself, rather heavily, off the Newton's Soup ...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Couple of days ago, I was hanging out on the #webOS channel (IRC), when the conversation moved onto Apple's IP threats. Now, I mostly hang-out there because I know some folks that now work for Palm (and on the Pre), and not because I'm a Palm user or developer (in fact quite the opposite). Anyhow, during the conversation, I had to (kindly) correct one of the participant (clearly re-educated by Palm's political police) who believed the Palm Pilot to have come before the Apple's Newton ... Not only was the first Newton (OMP100) introduced close to 3 years before the first Pilot (Pilot 1000), but also the term PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) itself, was coined by John Sculley, then CEO of Apple.

To be fair to the Pilot, I just don't think both devices are comparable. The Original MessagePad, even with its laughable handwriting recognition, packed much more punch and capabilities than what Palm could delivers 3 years later! The same extends to the late MessagePads, which more than 10 years after its introduction, still simply rocks and is still been used by thousands. around the worlds (including yours truly up to June 2008). How many PalmPilot Personal are still been used in 2009? ....

Don't believe the Newton can still be useful? Check this article made by back in 2006, in which the Newton came out as the winner when compared to an UMPC!!

(Edit: the Casio/Tandy Zoomer did beat the OMP release by 2 months, and thus it is considered the first PDA. Palm Computing contribution to it was the Personal Information Management (PIM) software).

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Insanely Great!

What better way to celebrate the first computer for the rest of us, than doing so by watching a part of Steve Jobs' keynote?

Friday, January 23, 2009


Since we are only 1 day away of the 25th anniversary of the Apple's Macintosh release, it is time for me to indulge into a little bit of nostalgia and go back to January 1984 ... Back then, I was only 2 weeks shy of been 10 years old, and the personal computer revolution was in full swing (yes, even in France!). I probably wasn't aware of the new Macintosh and its game changing Graphical User Interface, but I was already been titillated by computers and programming, thanks to my dad whom was very much into it, albeit in mobile computing. Mobile computing? In 1984? Well back then it was called pocket computing, and my dad's favorite toy was his trusty Casio FX-702P (which he was using also for work) and he was fully equipped with tape recorder and the tiny thermal printer with its funky metallic like paper. The 702 was indeed great, and I myself falled in love with it in the following years when it was handed down to me. To the point that I used to carry it around (in its little pouch) with me everywhere. Not contempt to just being geeking on his calculator, my dad was also a member of the local computer club, where I had my first encounters with top of the line computers such as the ZX Spectrum, Oric Atmos, Apple IIc, Matra Alice and VG 5000. The later eventually became my very first personal computer (for christmas '84 I guess) for countless hours of gaming and BASIC programming. My dad, back then, had subscription to two french computer magazines (both long gone) which had tons of little programs to be typed in (yep, that's right typed in, not loaded!), so it was possible to spend lots of time on the computer without actually doing much of anything except entering the code. Trying to run it was always a bit of a frustrating experience since there was very often errors in the code which were making it un-workable (that and/or typing mistakes made by little fingers ...). Anyhow, my first encounter with what I'll call a modern computer didn't occurs until late '86, when a school friend got a Macintosh Plus, which we used to do the school newspaper on.

Did I knew back then that computer was what I wanted to do when I grew up? I like to said yes (of course) but unfortunatly it's not the case. I didn't really get into computers until the late 80s, and only decided to make it my profession in 92. Up to that point, all I really wanted to be was either a Naval officer or an Archeologist (the later was likely due to that romatic image of archeology imprinted in my mind by waaaay too much of Indiana Jones) ...

As for the very famous 1984 commercial, well I never saw it until years after the event. To be honest I don't think it was ever aired in France (I could be wrong though) ...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Book worming!

When people asks me who is my favorite author (like once every 5 years or so), I'm usually very quick in replying: "Well, Umberto Eco of course!". Then, I get a blank stare from my questioner, at least until I mention that he's the author of The Name of the Rose, which movie version had Sean Connery on the cast ... As far as I can tell, his popularity in North America isn't as good as it is in Europe ... or maybe I just happen to know about him because I was introduced to his novels by my dad ... With only 5 novels on track record, it is no real surprise (really) that most people will have not heard of him, unless you are an Italian medievalist, a semiotician, or a philosopher. Anyhow, I finished his last (really his last apparently) novel The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana Saturday night with mixed feelings. I did enjoy the usual display of erudition, which is so typical of Mr Eco work (Dan Brown's an amateur in comparison!) ... but I failed to really found myself spellbound by the story as I had in past readings (e.g Foucault's Pendulum). Yet, it was a welcome change of scenery in this times of interrupted sleep and diaper changing duties ...

Spacecraft get artsy ...

What does the Kaguya lunar orbiter and the CBC Radio 2's show The Signal have in common? They both play weird and yet (sometimes) tantalizing "music"! Some crazy folks over at JAXA are using the laser altimeter's data from the spacecraft to generate music based on the relief of the moon: Moonbell. Isn't it cool?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Palm and its Mojo ...

When I first saw that Palm's Pre SDK was called Mojo, I couldn't beleive that will pick such a ridiculous name for their brand new platform. I mean come-on Palm, Mojo!?! Yeah we get it, like Austin Powers you got your Mojo back ... It will be more than fine for an internal codename, but for a public name? Not very classy ... Then, there is the whole thing about the framework been based on HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. How many mobile developers knows theses, or have time and will to learn them? Apple got a a lot of flak from the developers community from using Objective-C on its mobile platform, which only a small (tiny?) fraction of the developers (most of which live in the Mac platform ghetto) knows ... and it's a C superset!!! At the risk of sounding like an a$$, I'll like to said that web developer != software developer ... experience, education and skills are usualy very different. But maybe, that's what Palm is after? A platform where applications are quick and easy to hack and release?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Palm's Nova ... #2

It's out and in the open, and it's called webOS! has a live feed of the keynote. Looks good, rather iPhone-ish but with some nice features (e.g app switching) ... but HTML, CSS, and javascript for dev tools? Surely there will be some sort of C API ...

Palm's Nova ...

Well today is the day where Palm is supposed to announce, at the CES, its new OS (Linux based apparently) which should compete with the iPhone. Not much have leaked so far on what to expect (somehow this sounds like an Apple's operation), so there is not much to said for now. I'm not very warm to Palm, mainly because the Palm Pilot is somewhat responsible for the (inevitable?) demise of my beloved Newton (smaller & cheaper devices which didn't do a quarter of what the Newt' could do). It's not that I didn't try to like them, since I got myself (I know! What was I thinking!) a Palm Tungsten T3 back in 2004. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), there was no spark between us. The device it-self was alright I guess, but the OS left me cold, uninterested and the unit ended-up collecting dust on my desk for years, unused.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

10 years of OS X (sort of)

Well, this beginning of year is sure full of anniversaries. Few days ago it was the Mars Rover, and yesterday it was the release of Mac OS X Server which occurred 10 years ago. Oops ... did I wrote release? I meant announce ... Stories of has a bit more detail on it (including a link to a screenshot, sure did look like OS9 ...). The very same Macworld keynote was also used to introduce the Blue&White PowerMac G3 with that funky look which at that time looks pretty darn cool but now look, well ... very late 90s ...

While I'm still talking (a bit) about the MER, I must mention that one of Spirit's drivers (Scott Maxwell) have started (to celebrate the anniversary) a very interesting (and well written) blog on the first 3 years on Mars of the rovers. Each daily post will be covering a martian day (sol).

Scott participated in August to some sort of conference, which is now on Youtube

Saturday, January 3, 2009

5 years on Mars!

Well here we are, January 2009. 5 years ago, the first of the two MER, Spirit, was landing on Mars. I still recall, although it's getting a little fuzzy in my memory, watching the event LIVE on NASA TV. It was great in a nerdy sort of way :-) 5 years after, what was suppose to last only 90 Martian days, have lasted +1773 days, quite the endurance.

Mass Digital which was behind a video of the EDL (Entry, Descent and Landing) have released some time ago a video on YouTube showing the whole mission (well not the ALL mission) :

It sure looks a little dated now, especially if you compare with the HD video of MSL's EDL, but it is still pretty fun to watch. Speaking of fun, Emily, of the Planetary Society, have written up a little article on the excellent adventure of Spirit, worth reading. I'm sure there will be lot of articles to come out this week on the subject.