Saturday, February 14, 2009


Since I'm now half-way trough my parental leave, it is time to review a bit what I have been up to, which is mostly coding and parenting ... but mainly the latter. Nevertheless, our iPhone app is getting closer and closer to be ready. I swapped successfully the old data management stuff for the soup thing I was talking about in my previous post, and so far it's working pretty well. I also, followed the advice of Tweetie's author (Loren Brichter) and replaced the five UITextView objects I was using in my UITableView cell by a single UIView (drawing by hand the content). The speed-up is great, there is no longer that impression of lag when flicking up or down, it is amazingly cunning :-)

There is two videos (youtube) I'd like to share with you today. The first one is from a concert of Terje Isungset, who use ice to make (somewhat weird, but oh so lovely!) music (courtesy of The Signal's blog):

The second video shows a simulated depiction of the Phobos -Grunt Russian mission. Pretty cool (and bold) mission I must said. Let's hope it'll get to fly:

Anyway, gotta go change diaper now. So long for now.

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