I have been observing for a while now how things are panning out with
Apple and the
App Store. Since I haven't started developing for the
iPhone yet (but soon! I'm starting a new full time job doing just that in 6 days!!, I can't add anything of value to the on-going discussions, except joining the group of bystanders and shaking my head in disbelieve at each moves Apple made. Even thought I always had a soft spot for Apple since my days on an
Apple IIc, I'm not
naive enough to believe they can do
no evil ... especially since they sort of have a proven track record of
not always playing fair and square. Lots of fore front bloggers have commented about the whole
situation (e.g
Daring Fireball,
Wil Shipley ...), including the still
standing NDA, which have already caused the publishing of a
programming book to be canceled. Now, as long as you can stay anonymous (does that really mean anything on Internet these days?), it is not impossible to
post details (including tutorials) on
Cocoa Touch. It is a bit of a risky endeavour I must said, but very much appreciated by newbies iPhone devs like myself ;-)
On another subject, but still related ... The
Technologizer.com web site has an
interesting post with a bunch of old to recent Apple's TV ads, make sure to check it out for a bit of nostalgia.
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