Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kind of done ...

I sort of completed my first iPhone app yesterday. It's nothing fancy, really, but it's something we were in imminent need for. Since I only applied for enrollment in the iPhone developer program back on October 29th, I have yet to put the app on my iPod touch for testing. I sure hope we get accepted ASAP so that we can do a real life test ...

The experience has been very fun, so far. For a mobile device, the IDE (Xcode) and the API (Cocoa Touch) are pretty good in comparison to what I was used on Symbian (CodeWarrior). Now, to be fair I should mention that the last time I had to use Symbian stuff was back in 2005. Since I haven't followed-up on it since, I shouldn't really compare both experiences ... yet, coding for the iPhone as so far be a real pleasure where Symbian was a major pain (lacking documentation, constant need for tricks & hacks ...). I have yet to explore the whole touch API, but right now it appears to be consistent and well though-out.

I'm not going to disclose just yet what sort of application we are working on. But I believe it should be fairly easy to guess at it. Post your guesses as comments if you'd like, the winner will get a free version (if and whenever it get released) ;-)


ankahi said...

Is it a game or a utility app? Some sort of a calculator perhaps :)

CocoaGeek said...

It's an utility app indeed, but not really a calculator ...