Monday, December 15, 2008

Mars Pathfinder

11 years ago, like many other space geeks, I was captivated by the Mars Pathfinder mission. It was the very first mission to have an Internet coverage (If I'm not mistaken), and it was also (of course) the first mission to feature a rover (only 10kg, compare this to MSL's 900kg!). Looking back at the mission pictures, it's amazing how we have grown accustomed to high-res imagery from the twin MER, to the point that pictures from their older cousin seems amateurish (likely your cell phone, an iPhone hopefully, as now a better resolution than Pathfinder's cameras had).

Anyhow, I'm talking about this today, 'cause I stumbled on a couple of YouTube videos, which are part of a 35 minutes documentary on the mission, which I though was good enough to share. So here are, in order, the 4 segments:

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