Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Blast them!

So I went to see the Clone Wars animation last night with an old friend, and I don't know why the "critics" are so harsh about it, 'cause we both enjoyed ourselves (along with the other 10 adults and 25 younglings present). Of course, it probably have to do with the fact that combined we have the mental age of a 12 years old, but still .... it was a fun 90 minutes, filled with lots of action and ... yes, a simple story line. I think it is clear, that the movie was targeted to an audience much younger than the usual Star Wars crowds. As for the CG and animations? Well, it's definitely no Pixar movie, but I do think it was alright even if at time the characters motions were a little stiff.

Speaking of animation movie, I noticed something interesting on the Bagelturf blog, a link to an animation created by a group of student of the French art school Gobelins. Oktapodi is not only funny (in a Pixar shorts sort of way) but also well done, check it out on YouTube:

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