Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Vous prendrez bien un bol de cacao chaud?

As you will have guessed (from the title) this is another one of these geeky blogs where the author will be rambling posts after posts on various things including (but not limited to): Mac, OS, iPhone/iPod, Cocoa+Objective-C, programming, gadgets, movies, music ... Well, I think you got the point: heavily geeky stuff.

About two weeks ago, I got myself an iPod touch. The purchasing process by it-self was rather quick (and painless, except for the bank account), however the whole decision process leading to the choice of the latest gadget I should carry around, took weeks... At first, I had set my eyes on a PSP. It sounded like the good blend of gaming, mp3ing, surfing and possibly coding, but then I found out that in order to hack on the device, the battery had to be physically modified (unless that is you get a developer seat from Sony, I presume) ... and that, for a software guy like myself was the definitive deal breaker. Also, during the week leading to my purchase, I managed to borrow my brother-in-law's PSP. The surfing experience on it failed to really excite me (also the text entering method "a la" cellphone is a major pain IMHO), altogether I must said that device is neat ... but definitely not as sweet as the iPod, especially since some good (casual, not hardcore) games are coming out for it :-)

Anyhow ... I'll ramble some more in coming posts on my experience with the iPod touch (thereafter referred as iTouch), but I can said that the whole thing got me to finally join the legion of the Apple code monkeys. Since I have always been (and always be, regardless of the amount of Windows' code I have been coerced into authoring over the years) a Unix guy at heart, switching wasn't much of a big leap ...

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